TimeHub 5500
TimeHub® 5500 is an NGN-ready platform designed to meet all traditional central office synchronization and timing requirements, and to provide next generation PackeTime® solutions critical to advanced service offerings such as IPTV.

SSU 2000 and SSU 2000e
The SSU 2000 and SSU 2000e are intelligent, fully manageable Synchronization Supply Unit or Timing Signal Generator designed to meet the latest and evolving industry standards. These carrier-grade systems support traditional T1/E1 synchronization as well as NTP and IEEE-1588 PTP synchronization in next generation packet networks and 4G/LTE wireless networks.

Time Code Translator
The Time Code Translator (TCT) can produce any output signal needed, including, Dual RS-232 Time Code, PB-1 Time Code, Parallel BCD Time Code, 5- or 10-MHz Signal, IRIG-B and NASA 36-bit Serial Time Code, and Configurable Pulse Rate (1PPS -1MPPS).